You Can Know If You’re Healthy In Just 30 Seconds!

As we grow older, a lot of things change. We grow wiser, but also, our body loses a lot of the natural elements we were born with, such as calcium, vitamins and thus, the immune system gets weaker over time. It is recommended that an average person should make a doctor’s check- up once every…

Japanese Discover The Secret Of Their Long Life Expectancy !

Do you know that more than 50% of the Japanese population live into their 90’s? a study has concluded that the Asians as a nation have one of the world’s highest average life expectancy, estimated at about 83,7 years. As a simple comparation, Russians average lifespan is 68,7. Another interesting fact, according to the writings…

Sure Signs That You Have a High Blood Sugar !

High blood sugar is something you probably hear a lot these days. It can be regulated and it should be often checked because it can lead to serious health issues. The main energy source which our body needs is glucose, and this level is indicated by the levels of sugar in our blood. Basically, out…

Tips On Removing Tonsil Stones With Relief !

Dental issues are a big thing for every person – old or young. Today in this article we are going to talk about dental issues and how to get rid of them without wasting money. Do you know what tonsil stones are? Referred to as tonsilloliths as well, are the small and off-white waste that is found…

Mold Illness and how to spot them

What is mold? It’s the non-scientific word for many types of fungi. Fundus comes in many colors – lack, yellow, green, pink, orange, brown etc. But one thing is for sure -it is always unwanted, whether it’s outside or inside your home. If your roof is leaking or you didn’t pay much attention to the hygiene…

If you apply pressure on this place of your body – you’ll loose weight – guaranteed!

Fоr thаt pеrfеct bоdy….wе spеnd hоurs in thе gym tо burn cаlоriеs аnd еnhаncе оur mеtаbоlism. But thе sаmе cаn bе аchiеvеd by prеssing а fеw prеssurе pоints in оur bоdy. It sоunds Unbеliеvаblе, dоеsn’t it??!! оld аgе thеrаpiеs… likе аcuprеssurе аnd аcupuncturе аrе knоwn tо curе vаriоus аilmеnts withоut sidе еffеcts. еvеry pаrt оf yоur…

Never Ignore These Signs -You Might Have Cervical Cancer !

As medicine goes forward, new ways to prevent and cure diseases are constantly found. However, cancer still remains a disease that has no cure. In this article, we are going to talk about the cervical cancer, which until the PAP test was discovered in the 40’s of the previous century, was the main cause of…

7 Incredibly True Warning Signs Of Stroke !

A stroke is very common for people above their 40’s. however, statistics show alarming results that the strokes have increased even among younger population, mostly due to excessive use of technology. So basically, a stroke can happen to anyone – more than a third of the hospitalized patients who survived a stroke are less than…

This Is The Chart That Actually Shows How Often You Should Be Intimate!

Everyone needs a touch of love and sensuality. But it is really important to practice healthy love-making skills, and start engaging in sensual activities when you want and with the one you truly want. Freedom in love-making choices and determination is as crucial as having a right to vote. Kinsey Institute conducted a study, based…

Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water !

Drinking water is the healthiest thing to do. If you start the day with a morning shower or washing your face, why shouldn’t you add a glass of water for inner awakening as well? Many health issues and little daily immunity falls of our body are directly connected with not having enough water intake. Here…