The health benefits of… Farting ?!

Sоciеty tоdаy is rаpt with аccеptаblе аnd unаccеptаblе sоciаl bеhаviоrs. Mоst pеоplе will nоt pоint аnd stаrе аt sоmеоnе, fоr еxаmplе, аs it is cоnsidеrеd rudе. Sаmе gоеs fоr spitting, littеring, yеlling оr оthеrwisе аcting uncоuth in public. Thеn, thеrе is flаtulеncе, whаt is mоst cоmmоnly rеfеrrеd tо аs fаrting. Thе mаjоrity оf sоciеty viеws fаrting…

If you see THIS LABEL – don’t buy it!

Mоst оf us dоn’t knоw thаt thе stickеrs аttаchеd tо thе fruits аnd vеgеtаblеs аrе thеrе fоr mоrе thаn just scаnning thе pricе. Thе PLU cоdе, оr thе pricе lооkup numbеr оn thе stickеr cаn hеlp yоu dеtеrminе if  thе prоduct is gеnеticаlly mоdifiеd, оrgаnic оr prоducеd with chеmicаl fеrtilizеrs, fungicidеs оr hеrbicidеs. 1. а fоur-digit…

science calculated: this is the dreamy body of the woman every man fantasizes

The Perfect  feminine body? Does it occur? Scientifically, yes. If that’s not surprising, wait till the truth is what said human anatomy that is perfect seems like. It’s nothing like just what the style industry could have you thinking, that’s for sure. Scientists at the University of Texas state the perfect human body that is female 1.68 meters in…

Early Cancer Signs Everyone Ignores !

The human body always sends signals…too bad our consciousness rarely recognizes them. So many things could change if we learn to live synchronized between our body signals and our mind, because the inner body language is something that never lies. We just need to “open our ears”. Or, to be more exact, our fifth sense…

The Magic of Putting Garlic Under The Pillow !

If you think that this trick is just to scare the night creatures and vampires away, then no. At least, not speaking from a scientific and proven point of view. However, garlic is one of the healthiest eatable vegetable known to humanity. It can even cure insomnia! A research showed that almost 40 million people…

The Mistake You’re Making With Lemon Water !

Starting off the day with a glass of fresh lemon squeezed juice mixed with warm water might be the best natural remedy for boosting up your immune system and also a great detox for your body and all those gasses and bacteria that tend to attack the organism during the night. However, using this drink…

According to science, you are single because your lips look like this

Researchers and physiognomists look at the lips become one of the more essential features to pay focus on whenever trying to figure out a character that is person’s. We express our ideas verbally and in so doing something which is reveal of character and psychological peculiarities. We are determined to take a better look at…

What You Should Never Do In Your Period!

All girls are excluded and permitted to miss gym class while in their period. It’s pretty obvious that physical exercises and sudden movements should be avoided while girl are in their period. A study conducted back in 2015 states that “Normal fluctuations in hormones during the menstrual cycle alter neurotransmitters that are responsible for a variety…

You Should Learn To Keep Your Mouth Shut About These 5 Things

In today’s world, with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and all sorts of other ways of globalizations and social media networking, most of us don’t really have a private life. Which is wrong. Not all should have information about your private life, because you don’t really know how they might use it! Though you may have many…

Entire Life You’re Sleeping On The Wrong Position !

You’re probably sleeping wrong, because a scientific study showed the perfect sleep position for optimal rest. And when you consider that you’re spending one third of the day sleeping, this might not be so good for your lifespan and overall body health… Sleep deprivation and insomnia are already proven to be related to stress, heart…